Influencer campaign news

YouTube campaigns - Q1 2024

Published on Apr 25, 2024

Each quarter, get the summary of the main YouTube Influencer campaigns identified in english-speaking countries and their views performances.

Find all the sponsored videos of the quarter.

Shopify had fewer views this quarter, but remains the top performer

Shopify Inc. reached 191M views with only 24 videos starring MrBeast (85% of views).

Most views (+80%) comes from MrBeast for Stumble Guys, Western Union Holdings, Samsung and Acorns

Stumble Guys did only one video with MrBeast and reached 141M views.

Western Union Holdings had the same strategy and worked with MrBeast to reach 131M views.
Samsung Electronics Co. sponsored 10 videos starring MrBeast, BenTimm1, KairosTime Gaming... and reached 123M views.
Acorns released 3 videos with MrBeast, Ryland vlog and Mile Higher for a total of 109M views.

Increase in views this quarter for BetterHelp (+37%), Socialpoint (+173%), Squarespace (+28%), Aura (+118%), Rocket Money (+25%), Incogni (+26%), (+39%)

BetterHelp launched massive campaigns with a total of 248 sponsored videos that reached 176M views including Creators such as Futcrunch (6,2M views), Ted Nivison (5,2M views), ZHC (3,2M views)...

Socialpoint sponsored less videos (25) and but still reached 77M views including one of MrBeast's channel, Beast Philantropy (34M views), Dhar Mann Sutdios (6,1M views), MSA official (5,6M views)...
Squarespace released 118 videos for a total of 75M views starring Creators such as Linus Tech Tips, Tasting History with Max Miller, Kill Tony...
Aura did 93 videos for 64M views, among them : The Why Files, Nick Crowley, Westen Champlin...
Rocket Money published 65 videos and reached 52M views including The Film Theorists, Danny Gonzalez, RealLifeLore, Tyler Oliveira...
Incogni sponsored 58 videos for 52M views with OverSimplified, Mentour Pilot, Serpentza, Donut... published 80 videos for 51M views with channels like Veritasium, Abyssoft, RealLifeLore...

Less views for Air up (-49%), Factor (-24%), Surfshark (-71%)

air up released 57 videos for 79M views with Beta Squad, Kurtis Conner, Danny Gonzalez, NDL...

Factor_ sponsored 115 videos for 72M views with The Why Files, Wendigoon, Donut, DougDoug...
Surfshark published 55 videos for 52M views with Mrwhosetheboss, colinfurze, Kara and Nate...

Steady views for Brilliant, Opera, NordVPN, MiHoYo, Athletic Greens keeps the pace with 102 videos reaching 105M views starring usual channels like Veritasium, Kurzgesagt...

Opera sponsored 81 videos for 104M views with Mrwhosetheboss, Let's Game it Out, Forge Labs, Kurtis Conner...
NordVPN did 94 videos for 78M views with Oversimplified, Johnny Harris, PewDiePie, Veritasum...
miHoYo Limited sponsored 53 videos for 68M views including dsand, Jordan Matter, Dhar Mann Studios, doctor4t...
Athletic Greens sponsored 75 videos for 61M views with Lex Fridman, Andrew Huberman, HeavyDSparks...
Standard sponsored 67 videos for 56M vies with Mustard, RealLifeLore, Extra History...